Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Maze making

We have been completing maze puzzles, drawing our own maze puzzles and creating maze puzzles using equipment.

Saturday, 27 May 2017

Basketball on Friday

We learnt a lot of skills on Friday. Some of the skills were tricky, especially catching the ball behind our backs.


After our shared lunch some of  Room 12 went on the track with their bikes. They had a lot of fun.

Bike Track Opening.

We enjoyed our picnic lunch on Tuesday after the official opening of the school bike track.

Term 2 Week 4 Reporters
We only had two reporters this week. We enjoyed reading Lachlan's book and watching Ella's Hatchimal hatch. She had to rub the heart hard.

Term 2 Week 3 Reporters
Tyler, Sinead, Georgia and Corbin entertained the class with their favourite things this week.
WOW look at these Cloverlea LEGENDs, all organised and determined to lead and be inclusive sharing their assembly about being a LEGEND. Miss Veale and Mrs Martin were so proud of them.
Term Two Week Two Reporters
This week Kimberley, Byron and Preston shared their favourite things.

Term 2 Week One Reporters
We were entertained by Mason, Angel, Isla and Jarred.
We were so excited this was our first time on the bikes.

Look at our swimming legends. These children were determined to improve their skills.