These four girls were very orGanised and shared items that interested them. They included handmade Christmas decorations, photos, a pencil case and special folders. Great speaking today!
Thursday 30 November
We began the day watching a great show. They used puppets to tell a story. We really enjoyed this.
When we came out of the hall there was a helicopter sitting on the field. We were allowed to go inside it to have a look. We all watched it leave the school grounds.
Wednesday 29 November
The whole of the Te Wai Puna Team went to the Esplanade. We left school at eleven o'clock and traveled by bus. Firstly we had a swim in the paddling pool. Everyone was so well behaved. After this we walked to the playground area to eat our lunch. After lunch we went for a short walk in the bush. This was followed by playing on the equipment. Then we packed up and moved down the path, lots of us thought we were going home, but no we went on the train. This was so exciting. After that we went back to school feeling very tired. Thankfully it was home time.
Tuesday 28 November.
The school council organised a wheels afternoon. We could bring our scooters, skates or bikes along. The people with bikes went on the track. The people with scooters or skates went on an obstacle course designed by the Councillors. It was heaps of fun. The people who did not have anything played in the sand-pit. At the end of our time we were all given an ice block.